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- === Attacking and Being Attacked ===
- Attacking is simple in Angband. If you move into a creature, you attack him.
- You can attack from a distance by firing a missile or by magical means, such
- as aiming a wand. Creatures attack in the same way. If they move into you,
- they attack you. Some creatures can also cast spells from a distance, and
- others can use various breath weapons (such as fire) on you from a distance.
- Creatures in walls cannot be attacked by wands or other magic attacks
- normally stopped by walls, nor can they be shot at with bows and arrows.
- Tunnelling into the wall (using the "tunnel" or "alter" command) will allow
- you to attack any creature in the wall. This applies to creatures which
- "pass through" walls: if they "bore through" walls, the wall is no longer
- there, and the creature can be targetted normally.
- If you are wielding a weapon, the damage for the weapon is used when you hit
- a creature. Otherwise you get a single punch which does minimal damage.
- You may "w"ield one weapon for melee combat, and also one missile launcher
- (bow, crossbow or sling.) You may also wear one amulet (around the one and
- only neck of the character), two rings (on the two "ring" fingers, i.e. the
- third finger of each hand: a magic ring does not function when worn on any
- other finger, nor may two be worn on the same finger), one light source,
- and a full set of armor - body armor, shield, helmet, gloves, boots and a
- cloak. Any or all of these items may provide powers to the character in
- terms of bonuses to-hit, to-damage, to-armor class, or to other stats (in
- the latter case, a single numerical bonus applies to all affected stats.)
- Firing a missile (while wielding the appropriate launcher) is the only way to
- get the "full" power out of the missile. You may of course throw an arrow at
- a monster without shooting it, but you will find the effects will not be what
- you had hoped.
- Hits and misses are determined by ability to hit versus armor class. A hit
- is a strike that does some damage; a "miss" is something that does no damage
- (this includes, for instance, a blow that hits an armoured creature but
- glances off its armour without penetrating.)
- === Monster Memories ===
- There are hundreds of different creatures in the pits of Angband, many of
- which have the same letter symbol and color on the screen. The exact species
- of a creature can be discovered by looking at it. It is also very difficult
- to keep track of the capabilities of various creatures. Luckily, Angband
- automatically keeps track of your experiences with a particular creature.
- This feature is called the monster memory. You monster memory recalls the
- particular attacks of each creature (whether or not technically a monster)
- which you have suffered, as well as recalling if you have observed them to
- multiply or move erratically, or drop treasure, etc. Otherwise you would
- simply have to take notes, which is an unnecessary bother.
- If you have killed enough of a particular creature, or suffered enough
- attacks, recalling the monster memory may also provide you with information
- not otherwise available, such as a armor class or hit dice. These are not
- explained, but may be useful to give the relative danger of each creature.
- This memory can be passed on to a new character even after you die by means
- of a reduced save file. (You must start the new character by opening the
- existing save file of the "dead" character for this to happen: using the
- "start new character" option will not give access to old monster memories.)
- === Your Weapon ===
- Carrying a weapon in your backpack does you no good. You must wield a weapon
- before it can be used in a fight. A secondary weapon can be kept by keeping
- it in the backpack, and switching it with the primary weapon when needed. This
- is most often used when switching between a melee weapon and a digging tool,
- or when carrying two weapons, each of which provides a rare power that the
- character needs at two separate times.
- Weapons have two main magical characteristics, their enchanted ability to hit
- and their enchanted ability to do damage, expressed as `(+#,+#)'. A normal
- weapon would be `(+0,+0)'. Many weapons in Angband have bonuses to hit
- and/or do damage. Some weapons are cursed, and have penalties that hurt the
- player. Cursed weapons cannot be unwielded until the curse is lifted.
- Identifying a weapon will inform you of the magical bonuses and penalties
- and whether or not it is cursed.
- Angband assumes that your youth in the rough environment near the dungeons
- has taught you the relative merits of different weapons, and displays as
- part of their description the damage dice which define their capabilities.
- Any damage enchantment is added to the dice roll for that weapon. The dice
- used for a given weapon is displayed as "XdY". The number "X" indicates
- how many dice to roll, and number "Y" indicates how many sides they have. A
- "2d6" weapon will thus give damage from 2 to 12, plus any damage bonus. The
- weight of a weapon is also a consideration. Heavy weapons may hit harder,
- but they are also harder to use. Depending on your strength, dexterity,
- character class, and weapon weight, you may get several attacks per turn:
- high dexterity and strength and low weapon weight are the main factors.
- Warriors may get up to a maximum of 6 attacks per turn: mages are limited
- to only 4: other classes may get up to 5.
- Missile booster weapons, such as bows, have their characteristics added to
- those of the missile used, if the proper weapon/missile combination is used,
- and the the launcher multiplier is applied to the total damage, making
- missile weapons very powerful given the proper missiles, especially if they
- are enchanted.
- Although you receive any magical bonuses an unidentified weapon may possess
- when you wield it, those bonuses will not be added in to the displayed
- values of to-hit and to-dam on your character sheet. You must identify the
- weapon before the displayed values reflect the real values used.
- Finally, some rare weapons have special abilities. These are called ego
- weapons, and are feared by great and meek. An ego weapon must be wielded
- to receive the benefit of its abilities. It should be noted that some of
- these items are considerably more powerful than others, and generally the
- most powerful items are the rarest. Also important is the fact that not all
- ego-items are nice...
- Ego weapons are denoted by the following "names":
- (Defender)
- A magical weapon that actually helps the wielder defend himself, thus
- increasing his/her armour class, and protecting him/her against damage
- from fire, cold, acid, lightning, and falls. This weapon also will
- increase your stealth, let you see invisible creatures, protect you
- from paralyzation and some slowing attacks, and help you regenerate hit
- points and mana faster. As a result of the regeneration ability, you
- will use up food somewhat faster than normal while wielding such a
- weapon. These powerful weapons also will sustain one stat, though this
- stat will vary from weapon to weapon.
- (Holy Avenger)
- A Holy Avenger is one of the more powerful of weapons. A Holy Avenger
- will increase your wisdom and your armour class. This weapon will do
- extra damage when used against evil, demonic and undead creatures, and
- will also give you the ability to see invisible creatures. These
- weapons are basically extremely powerful versions of Blessed Blades
- and can be wielded by priests with no penalty. These weapons, like
- (Defender) weapons, also will sustain one random stat.
- (Blessed)
- A blessed blade will increase your wisdom. If you are a priest,
- wielding a non-blessed sword or polearm causes a small penalty while
- attacking and may infuriate your god, decreasing the chances that he
- will accept your prayers: a blessed blade may be wielded without
- this penalty. Blessed blades also have one extra, random, power.
- Weapon of Westernesse.
- A Weapon of Westernesse is one of the more powerful weapons. It slays
- orcs, trolls, and giants, while increasing your strength, dexterity,
- and constitution. It also lets you see invisible creatures and protects
- from paralyzation and some slowing attacks. These blades were made by
- the Dunedain.
- Weapon of Gondolin.
- A weapon of this kind, from the last kingdom of the High Elves to
- fall under Morgoth's yoke, provides power against all his living
- servants - orcs, trolls, demons and dragons. It also gives off light
- when there are enemies around (which, in Angband, is all the time),
- and provides resistance to darkness, the ability to see invisible
- monsters, and one extra random power. These weapons are powerful
- but rare.
- Weapon of Extra Attacks.
- A weapon of extra attacks will allow the wielder to deliver extra
- attacks during each round.
- Weapon of Fury.
- This weapon is a gift for all those whose sole wish is to smash their
- enemies to an unreconizable pulp. It provides bonuses to-hit, to-dam
- and to extra attacks. However, the wielder will be driven into such a
- berserk fury that his shouts and yells will awaken and aggravate every
- monster within earshot, and it will drain away his mana and curtail his
- use of magic: nor is the wielder of such a weapon able to remain calm
- enough to use psionic attacks effectively.
- Elemental Branded Weapons.
- Each of the four basic elemental attacks (fire, cold, lightning, acid)
- has a corresponding weapon which will do treble its base damage to
- creatures not resistant to that element. It should be noted that the
- magical damage bonus is not affected by this: a weapon of Flame
- (2d6) (+5,+6) does 6d6+6 damage per hit, not 6d6+18, against creatures
- which are not fire-resistant.) Each of these weapons also provides
- resistance to that element.
- Weapons of Venom.
- These weapons have been dipped in deadly poison, and will do triple
- their base damage against creatures not resistant to poison. Unlike
- the other brands, though, they do not provide the relevant resistance:
- a character must be careful when handling his own poisoned weapon.
- Weapons of Slaying enemies.
- These weapons do extra damage against creatures of a vulnerable type.
- Weapons of Slay Evil and Slay Animal do double the base damage, while
- weapons of Slay Orc, Troll, Giant, Dragon, Demon and Undead do triple
- the base damage. As with elemental branded weapons, the magical damage
- bonus is not affected.
- Weapons of *Slaying* enemies.
- These weapons, in addition to doing extra damage to your enemies, have
- extra powers as well.
- - Weapons of *Slay Animal* will give a bonus to intelligence (which is
- what sets the sentient races apart from the animals), and provide slow
- digestion so that the player does not need to eat so often.
- - Weapons of *Slay Evil* provide a bonus to wisdom and are blessed, so
- that priests may use them even if they are sharp: and they have a bonus
- power, as other Blessed weapons do.
- - Weapons of *Slay Undead* will allow you to see into the invisible world
- of ghosts and wraiths, and provide a wisdom bonus. They are also
- blessed so that priests can use them, but do not provide extra powers.
- - Weapons of *Slay Demon* provide resistance to fire, the chief weapon of
- many demons, and grants extra intelligence.
- - Weapons of *Slay Dragon* do five times their base damage against
- dragons, provide a constitution bonus, and resistance to fear.
- - Weapons of *Slay Orc* will increase and sustain the character's
- dexterity.
- - Weapons of *Slay Giant* will grant the wielder the strength of a giant
- and sustain it.
- - Weapons of *Slay Troll* will impart the strength of a Troll and give
- the trollish ability of regeneration.
- Weapon of Morgul.
- These blades are so foully cursed with evil, it is rumored that it is
- nearly impossible to remove them without a special curse-removing spell,
- much stronger than normal Remove Curse. However, they can be powerful
- in the right hands - for they are weapons of the undead, and will thus
- give a certain amount of power over all things undead, as well as
- keeping the character's life force mostly safe: and they will infect
- the living with deadly poison. However, they will themselves drain the
- character's life force.
- Shovels of Digging.
- These powerful diggers will dig through granite as if it were mere wood,
- and mineral veins as if they were butter. Permanent rock is still an
- impassable obstacle.
- Shovels of Earthquakes.
- These powerful but unpredictable items are magically enchanted to dig
- even faster than shovels of Digging: moreover, they possess a fair
- bonus to-hit and to-damage, and thus might actually be useful when used
- as a melee weapon. They increase the wielder's strength as well.
- They do, however, have a downside: the weapon will periodically cause
- a mighty earthquake when it hits a monster.
- Ego Missile Launchers and Ammo:
- -------------------------------
- Launchers of Accuracy.
- These launchers have an unnaturally high to-hit number, making them
- extremely accurate.
- Launchers of Velocity.
- These launchers do an unnaturally high amount of damage due to their
- high to-hit number.
- Launchers of Extra Shots.
- These launchers allow the wielder to shoot more times per round than
- normal.
- Launchers of Extra Might.
- These launchers have a higher base damage than normally made launchers
- of their type. For instance, a Long Bow of Extra Might (x3)(+X,+Y)(+2)
- is really a Long Bow (x5)(+X,+Y) where (+X,+Y) is the standard to-hit
- and to-dam. As the damage multiplier with the bow affects *everything*
- - the base arrow damage, the magical damage bonus on both the bow and
- the arrow, and any bonuses for slaying or elemental-branded arrows -
- this makes it a powerful weapon.
- Slings of Buckland.
- These slings were made especially in the Shire by the most expert of
- Hobbit slingers. They deliver their missiles - admittedly, the missiles
- in question are mere pebbles and iron shots - with extra force, and at
- extra speed, and provide greater accuracy thanks to increased dexterity.
- Bows of Lothlorien.
- These bows belong to the highly secretive elves of the Golden Wood, all
- of them excellent archers. They allow the wielder to shoot with much
- greater power than normal (extra might), and increased accuracy (higher
- dexterity), and cannot be destroyed by acid and fire.
- Crossbows of the Haradrim.
- These mighty catapults are much faster to reload, and more powerfully
- sprung, than normal crossbows. The end result of this is that the
- character may shoot faster and with greater power than normal.
- Launcher of the Nazgul.
- This cursed bow belongs to the Wraith-lords, and will drain the life
- experience from living beings that wield it. It does, however, allow
- the player to see into the wraith-world of invisibility.
- Ammo of Wounding.
- This ammunition - whether it be pebbles, iron shots, arrows, bolts,
- seeker arrows or seeker bolts - has big bonuses to-hit and to-damage.
- Ammo of Elemental and Poison Brands, and Ammo of Slaying.
- This works in the same way as melee weapons of the same type: double
- damage for slay evil and slay animal, triple damage for all other
- slays and for all elemental brands. Unlike melee weapons, the slays
- and elemental brands *do* affect the magical damage bonus for ammo.
- Ammo of Holy Might.
- This can only be heavy ammo - seeker arrows and bolts, silver arrows and
- bolts, and mithril shots. It is very rare, but is blessed and does extra
- damage to demons, undead and evil creatures, and is branded with holy
- fire. It also cannot be damaged on the ground or in the player's
- inventory by fire or acid.
- Ammo of Backbiting.
- This cursed ammunition will never hit what it is aimed at. Rumour has
- it that it will curve round and hit the person who shot it in the
- back: but so far, this rumour has proved unfounded, and is believed
- to be false.
- Apart from these there are some very rare and well made blades in the
- dungeon with intrinsic special abilities of their own: for instance, Blades
- of Chaos provide resistance to chaos, so that the character will never
- hallucinate or take the full damage from a monster breathing Chaos, and Maces
- of Disruption are intrinsically powerful against undead creatures. Scythes of
- Slicing simply do an abnormally high amount of damage against everything.
- Silver arrows and bolts intrinsically slay evil creatures, while seeker arrows
- and bolts simply do more damage than normal arrows and bolts. And these items
- can become ego-items too: a Blade of Chaos (Holy Avenger) is in many cases
- more desirable than a large proportion of artifact weapons!
- === Your Armor Class ===
- Your armor class (or AC) is a number that describes the amount and the
- quality of armor being worn. Armor class will generally run from about 0 to
- 150, though exceptionally good armor can improve even on the latter figure.
- The larger your armor class, the more protective it is. A negative armor
- class would actually help get you hit. Armor protects you in three manners.
- One, it makes you harder to be hit for damage. A hit for no damage is as
- good as a miss. Two, good armor will absorb some of the damage that your
- character would have taken from normal attacks. Three, acid damage is
- reduced by wearing body armor (but the armor will be damaged instead). It
- is obvious that a high armor class is a must for surviving the deeper levels
- of Angband.
- Each piece of armour has a base armor value, which, like the damage from
- weapons, is assumed known by the player, and a magic bonus, which will not
- be displayed unless the armor has been identified or was bought in a store.
- Armor class values are always displayed between a set of brackets as "[#]"
- or "[#,+#]". The first value is the armor class of the item. The second
- number is the magical bonus of the item: which is only displayed if known,
- and will always have a sign preceding the value. Note that a few rings,
- amulets, and weapons also have the "[+#]" notation in square brackets,
- indicating that they provide an armor bonus. Many pieces of heavy body
- armor will also have a "(-#)" before the "[#,+#]", which indicates that
- the weight of the armor decreases your chances of hitting monsters.
- This can range from nonexistent for very light armor to (-8) for the very
- heaviest armor!
- Some pieces of armor will possess special abilities denoted by the following
- names:
- Ego Armors and Shields:
- -----------------------
- of Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire or Cold.
- A character wearing armor or a shield with one such resistance will
- take only 1/3 of normal damage from attacks involving the relevant
- element of acid, lightning, fire or cold. Note that multiple
- permanent sources of resistance are NOT cumulative: wearing two is
- no better than wearing one. However, armor which provides resistance
- to acid cannot itself be damaged by acid, and this is a good reason
- to wear more than one such piece of armor.
- of Resistance.
- A character wearing armor with this ability will have resistance to
- all four of Acid, Cold, Fire, and Lightning, as explained above.
- Dwarven Armor.
- Dwarven armor is of better quality than normal armor: it cannot be
- damaged by acid or fire, and will give its wearer the strength and
- constitution of a Dwarf. The wearer also cannot be paralyzed, and
- will be able to see in the dark. It can only be heavy metal armor -
- metal scale mail and above, and not rusty chain mail: as Dwarven
- armor does not rust, nor do they use leather for their armor.
- Armor of Elvenkind.
- This is the same as Resistance armor, only generally better enchanted.
- It will make you more stealthy. This armor also possesses an extra
- resistance, at random from the following list: poison, light, dark,
- blindness, confusion, nexus, fear, nether, chaos, disenchantment,
- sound and shards. (See the section about Resistances below.)
- Robes of Permanence.
- These robes are designed especially for wizards. Just like Elvenkind
- armor, they provide resistance to fire, cold, acid, and electricity and
- cannot be damaged by acid. They sustain all of your stats and protect
- you from a good deal of all experience draining. Also like Elvenkind
- armor, they have one random resistance.
- Dragon Scale Mails.
- These extremely rare pieces of armour come in many different colors,
- each protecting you against the relevant dragons. Naturally they are
- all resistant to acid damage (although this resistance is not conferred
- on the player, unless the dragon itself breathes acid.) They also
- occasionally allow you to breathe as a dragon would!
- Shields of Preservation.
- This shield will preserve the character's body and soul from damage,
- and also prevent the loss of magical energy: it provides resistance to
- disenchantment, sustains strength, constitution and dexterity, and
- also has one other random "high" resistance.
- Armor and Shields of Vulnerability.
- This severely cursed armor appears to be powerful, but in fact lets
- through the full force of every attack directed at it.
- Ego Helms:
- ----------
- Stat Boosting Helms.
- There are magical helms found in the dungeon that have the ability
- to boost the wearer's intelligence, wisdom, or charisma. (Helms of
- Beauty are the ones that boost charisma.) In addition to boosting
- the relevant stat these helms will also prevent that stat from being
- drained.
- Crown of the Magi.
- This is the great crown of the wizards. The wearer will have an
- increased (and sustained) intelligence, and will also be given
- resistance against fire, frost, acid, and lightning. These valuable
- helms also have an additional random power.
- Crown of Might.
- This is the great crown of the warriors. The wearer will have an
- increased and sustained strength, dexterity, and constitution,
- and will also be immune to any foe's attempt to slow or paralyze
- him or her.
- Crown of Lordliness.
- This is the great crown of the priests. The wearer will have an
- increased and sustained wisdom and charisma.
- Helm/Crown of Seeing.
- This is the great helmet or crown of the rogues. The wearer will be
- able to see invisible creatures, and will have an increased ability to
- locate traps and secret doors. It is also rumored that the wearer of
- such a helm will not be able to be blinded.
- Helm of Infravision.
- This helmet will allow the wearer to see warm-blooded creatures even
- in total darkness. This is very useful when dealing with warm-blooded
- invisible creatures.
- Helm of Light.
- In addition to providing a permanent light source for the wearer, this
- helm also provides resistance against light-based attacks.
- Helm/Crown of Telepathy.
- This helm or crown grants the wearer the power of telepathy.
- Helm of Regeneration.
- This helm will help you regenerate hit points and mana more quickly
- than normal, allowing you to fight longer before needing to rest. You
- will use food faster than normal while wearing this helm because of
- the regenerative effects.
- Helm/Crown of Serenity.
- The wearer of this helmet will always be able to keep his mind clear of
- noises and confusing distractions, nor will he ever be scared witless,
- as this item provides resistance to sound, confusion and fear.
- Crown of Night and Day.
- The wearer of this rare crown has power over all of light and darkness,
- and thus resists all attacks based on these things: and he also cannot
- be blinded, and will never lack light to see by, nor will any monster
- be able to hide from him with magical invisibility.
- Helm of Teleportation.
- This cursed helm will always keep the player on the hop, never sure
- where he is and never able to stay in one place.
- Crown of Sickliness.
- Ruling is such a drain on one's health... This crown will debilitate
- its wearer, reducing his strength, dexterity and constitution.
- Helm/Crown of Dullness.
- You wonder why you never noticed the big "D" emblazoned on this headwear
- before putting it on: this dunce's cap reduces your intelligence and
- wisdom, and also convinces shopkeepers that they can get away with
- charging you higher prices - an effect simulated by the penalty also
- applying to charisma. It does, however, have a beneficial side-effect -
- monsters trying to attack you psionically have trouble detecting your
- mind, which is thus protected from them.
- Ego Cloaks:
- -----------
- Cloak of Protection.
- This finely made cloak will come with an unnaturally high enchantment
- and is not affected by elemental-based attacks. It is also made of an
- exceptionally durable material which can keep out blasts of crystal
- shards.
- Cloak of Stealth.
- This cloak will increase the wearer's stealth, making the wearer less
- likely to wake up sleeping monsters.
- Cloak of the Magi.
- This cloak increases and sustains intelligence, and allows its wearer
- to remain hidden from monsters, all the better to surprise them by
- casting a spell on them.
- Cloak of Aman.
- These exceptionally rare cloaks provide great stealth, have a very
- high enchantment, and one random resistance.
- Cloak of Enveloping.
- This cloak gets in the way of everything you try to do. You can't seem
- to hit monsters without having to shove aside several folds of cloth,
- and yet more layers cushion the blow and reduce the damage you do.
- Cloak of Irritation.
- This cloak not only envelops its wearer but aggravates all who see it.
- Ego Gloves:
- -----------
- Gloves of Free Action.
- The wearer of these gloves will find himself resistant to paralyzing
- attacks as well as some slowing attacks. Because of the special
- nature of these gloves, magic users may wear these gloves without
- incurring a mana penalty.
- Gloves of Slaying.
- These gloves will increase the wearer's fighting ability by boosting
- the wearer's to-hit and to-dam values.
- Gloves of Agility.
- These gloves will increase the wearer's dexterity. Because of the
- special nature of these gloves, magic users may wear these gloves
- without incurring a mana penalty.
- Gloves of Power.
- These gauntlets will boost the wearer's strength as well as the
- wearer's to-hit and to-dam numbers.
- Gloves of Thievery.
- These leather gloves will boost the wearer's dexterity and to-hit, also
- providing immunity to paralysis, and their wearer will automatically be
- able to grab onto things and take no damage from falls.
- Gauntlets of Combat.
- These gauntlets will increase the wearer's strength, and even allow him
- to hit monsters more times in a round of combat: however, they also
- imbue the character with unshakable belief in his own invulnerability,
- and no monster will remain asleep while the character is yelling out
- his challenges to all and sundry.
- Gauntlets of Weakness.
- These gauntlets sap your strength.
- Gauntlets of Clumsiness.
- These gauntlets make you fumble.
- Ego Boots:
- ----------
- Boots of Slow Descent.
- These boots protect the wearer from the effects of small falls.
- Boots of Stealth.
- These boots increase the wearer's stealth, like a Cloak of Stealth.
- Boots of Free Action.
- The wearer of these boots will find himself resistant to paralyzing
- attacks as well as some slowing attacks.
- Boots of Stability.
- The wearer of these boots will be stable in space and time, and
- monsters will be unable to teleport him with nexus attacks. Magical
- teleportation will still work, of course, whether cast by the player
- or a monster. They also provide protection against paralysis.
- Boots of Speed.
- The wearer of these boots will become unnaturally fast.
- Boots of Slowness.
- They seem to be stuck to the ground, and you can hardly move at all
- while wearing these things.
- Boots of Annoyance.
- The wearer of these boots will make great echoing stamps as he walks
- around the dungeon, waking up and aggravating all monsters. Worse still,
- they will slow the player down.
- Apart from these there are some very rare and well-made armours in the
- dungeon with not necessarily any special abilities. These include Shields of
- Deflection, Adamantite Plate Mail, Mithril Plate Mail, Mithril Chain Mail,
- and Shadow Cloaks. The first four cannot be damaged by acid because of the
- quality metals they contain.
- There are rumors of unique "artifact" items in the dungeon - weapons and
- armor of all types. Many of these are more powerful than even the greatest
- ego-items: some are weak and have little more than a name to recommend them.
- In all cases, and indeed if the player desires to find out the powers of an
- ego-item with random powers, use of a scroll of *Identify* will reveal all
- the powers of any given item.
- === Non-melee attacks and resistances ===
- The player may at some time gain access to non-melee attacks, and many
- monsters also have them. Perhaps the most famous of this type of attack is
- dragon breath: but monsters may also cast spells at the player, and vice
- versa. This damage generally is not affected by armor class, and does not
- need a hit roll to hit the player or monster being aimed at.
- Some attacks are purely magical: attack spells which blind, confuse, slow,
- scare or paralyze the target. In some cases, a melee attack may also do
- this. These attacks are resisted by monsters of higher level (native to
- deeper dungeon depths) and characters with a high saving throw - saving
- throws being dependent on class, level and wisdom. There are also available
- resistances to fear, blindness and confusion, and the power of "free
- action" prevents magical paralysis and most slowing attacks (the player may
- still be paralyzed by being "knocked out" in melee or by a stunning attack,
- but this is very rare.) It should also be noticed that unique monsters
- automatically pass their saving throws, and some monsters are naturally
- resistant to confusion, fear and sleep-monster attacks. Monster spells
- to "cause wounds" are included in this category, of attacks which do no
- damage if a saving throw is made, or full damage if it is failed.
- Some melee attacks by monsters may drain a stat, as can some traps: this is
- prevented by having that stat sustained.
- Some monsters may cast spells that teleport the player character. To these,
- there is no saving throw, except to those that would actually teleport him
- up or down one dungeon level. Having resistance to nexus will also prevent
- being level-teleported, but not normal teleportation spell attacks. The
- player may teleport monsters in the same way, with a spell, wand or rod.
- Other attacks are usually elemental-based, including the aforementioned
- example of dragon breath. Many monsters can breathe various attacks or
- cast bolt or ball spells, and the player may also have access to bolt and
- ball spells (or breathe like a dragon, if he is wearing a dragon scale mail.)
- The player, and the monsters, may be resistant to these forms of attack:
- and resistance is handled in different ways for the player and the monster,
- and for different attack forms.
- Bolt spells will hit the first monster (or the player) in the line of fire:
- ball spells and breaths may centre on a target which may be hiding behind
- other targets. Ball spells and breath weapons affect an area: other monsters
- caught in the blast take reduced damage depending on how close to the
- centre of the blast they are. Bolt and ball spells depend on the level of
- the monster or player: breath weapons are proportional to a fraction of the
- monster's current hit points, with a maximum cap on the damage - which is
- higher for the most common of such attacks, owing to the fact that the
- resistances are also easier to find.
- In the case of fire, cold, lightning, acid and poison, if the monster has
- resistance to a player attack of this kind it will take almost no damage.
- If the player has one or more permanent sources of resistance, he will take
- 1/3 of the damage he would normally take: if the player has a temporary
- source of resistance (whether from potion, spell or artifact), this will
- also reduce the damage to 1/3 of its normal level, allowing the character
- to take only 1/9 damage if he has both permanent and temporary resistance.
- Having more than one source of permanent resistance confers no extra bonus,
- and using more than one source of temporary resistance increases only the
- duration of the resistance: in both cases, either the resistance is present
- or it is not. But one permanent resistance and one temporary resistance are
- both effective simultaneously.
- The character may also gain immunity to fire, cold, lightning and acid, if
- he is fortunate to find any of the two or three artifacts that provide
- these immunities: immunity means that no damage is taken, and the
- character's equipment is also totally protected. Immunities are EXTREMELY
- rare, and nothing else can protect the player's equipment or inventory
- from damage. So expect your armor to take damage from acid attacks even if
- you yourself are resistant - unless you are wearing armor which cannot be
- damaged by acid (which may not necessarily provide the resistance to the
- player, in the case of armor and shields made out of high-quality materials),
- and expect your staffs, scrolls, spellbooks and arrows to be damaged by fire,
- your potions by frost, your wands, rings and amulets in your inventory (but
- not worn or wielded rings or amulets) by lightning, and weapons and armor in
- the inventory may both be damaged or destroyed by acid and fire.
- Another attack that the player will come into contact with all too often
- is the soul-chilling nature of the undead, which can drain the character's
- life experience. Some monsters have a life-draining melee attack, others may
- cast ball or bolt spells or, in extreme cases, breathe the very force of the
- netherworld (shortened by the game to "nether".)
- There are two powers which are of assistance in this case: that of "hold
- life" will prevent 90% of all experience drains, and in the other 10% of cases,
- the amount of experience lost will be reduced by 90%. That of "resistance to
- nether forces" will provide resistance to nether bolts, balls and breaths,
- reducing the damage and preventing any experience drains from these attacks,
- but has no effect on melee "hits to drain experience". Monsters caught in the
- blast from a nether ball or breath will take damage proportional to distance
- from the centre of the attack, except for undead who are totally immune. The
- player may find wands or rods of Drain Life, which are similar to nether-forces
- attacks in that undead creatures are immune to them, but they affect all other
- creatures equally. It should be noted that the wand of Drain Life bears no
- relation to the priest spell of "Orb of Draining", despite the similarity of
- name: the priest spell will actually do extra damage against undead, and indeed
- against all evil creatures.
- Other attack forms are rarer, but may include:
- - disenchantment (both in melee or by a monster breath),
- - chaos (a monster breath only, which if unresisted will cause the player
- to hallucinate and be confused, and may drain life experience),
- - nexus (which may teleport the player to the monster, away from the
- monster, up or down a level, or swap over two of the player's stats)
- - confusion (by breath attack or by a monster hitting to confuse the
- player, there is an available resistance)
- - light and darkness (both of which will blind a non-resistant character)
- - sound (which will stun a non-resistant character and may destroy potions)
- - crystal shards (which will cut a non-resistant character and may destroy
- potions),
- - inertia (which will slow a character even if he has free action)
- - gravity (which will blink a character, also stunning and slowing)
- - force (which will stun the character)
- - plasma (which will stun, and may destroy items which are vulnerable to
- either fire or lightning)
- - time (which may drain experience regardless of hold life, or drain stats
- regardless of sustains)
- - water bolts and balls (which may confuse and stun, and do considerable
- damage when cast by high-level monsters),
- - ice bolts (which may cut and stun, and damage potions)
- - mana bolts and balls (the latter usually known as Mana Storms.) Magic
- missiles are included in the "mana" category, whether cast by the monster or
- the player.
- - disintegration blasts, which destroy rock walls as well as hurting
- monsters. Only the player can cast these at present, and they are
- unresistable.
- - psionic attacks, see below.
- There are resistances available to chaos, disenchantment, confusion, nexus,
- sound, shards, light and darkness: all of these will reduce the damage and
- prevent side-effects other than physical damage. With these resistances, as
- with nether resistance, damage is a random fraction of what it would otherwise
- be: for light and dark, it is between 4/7 and 4/12, for sound and confusion it
- is between 5/7 and 5/12, and for chaos, disenchantment, nexus, shards and
- nether it is between 6/7 and 6/12.
- It should be noted that not all of these are actually vital to completing
- the game: indeed, of the above list, only fire, cold, acid, lightning and
- poison resists are regarded as truly vital, with blindness, confusion, chaos
- and nether the next most desirable. Some attack forms are not resistable, but
- thankfully these are rare:
- - the damage from ice bolts cannot be resisted, but resistance to shards will
- prevent the player being cut by it.
- - attacks of force, gravity, plasma and water have no resistance to the damage
- caused, but sound resistance will prevent the player being stunned.
- - and and confusion resistance will prevent confusion by a water bolt or
- ball.
- - there is no resistance to any of the side-effects of a time attack.
- - there is no resistance to the damage, the slowing or the "blink" effect of a
- gravity attack.
- - Nor is there any resistance to purely magical mana damage.
- === A note on speed ===
- Monsters which do not move at normal speed generally move "slowly" (-10
- to speed), "fast" (+10), "very fast" (+20) or "incredibly fast" (+30). It will
- surprise nobody that Morgoth is one of the few monsters in the last category...
- This is further adjusted by the fact that any given individual monster may
- have a random adjustment from (-2) to (+2) to its own speed.
- Generally, (+10) is exactly double normal speed, and (-10) exactly
- half. (+20) is about three times normal speed, but after that there is less
- noticeable improvement as speed goes higher - for instance, (+30) is not
- quite four times normal speed, and higher values than this are largely
- irrelevant. The player may find items which can be worn or wielded that
- provide speed bonuses: these may include boots of speed, rings of speed
- and a few very rare artifacts. Boots will provide a random 1d10 to speed:
- rings of speed may be bigger than that - generally the best that the player
- will get is two just over (+10), but individual rings of over +20 to speed
- have been known.
- Separate from the question of permanent speed (as determined by the
- player's speed items and the monster's natural speed) is that of temporary
- speed. The player may cast a spell of haste-self, or use a potion, staff or
- rod of speed, or use an artifact activation to speed him temporarily: or a
- monster may cast a haste-self spell, or be affected by another monster
- "shrieking for help" or the player reading a scroll of aggravate monster. In
- all cases, (+10) speed is added temporarily to the affected monster or player.
- Using two or more sources of temporary speed is cumulative only in duration:
- one cannot get from normal speed to (+20) using a potion and a spell of speed.
- Spells of temporary slowing (including monsters breathing inertia or gravity)
- are handled the same way, with exactly (-10) being subtracted from the player
- or monster's speed temporarily, for the duration of the spell or breath's
- effect.
- === About psionic attacks ===
- Psionic attacks are handled in a different way to most other attacks,
- and have different and unpredictable effects. They come in three different
- levels (just like the psionic foci): referred to in the code as "Psi1",
- "Psi2" and "Psi3". A psionic attack will not only damage the player's hit
- points but may have any number of unpredictable side effects, ranging from
- confusion, stunning and fear up to hallucination and temporary int/wis loss
- or paralysis. There is available resistance to psionics, but it is not
- handled in the same way as other resistances (which totally prevent the
- side-effects): the nearest comparison is with the power of Hold Life, which
- mitigates but does not always completely prevent the effects of the relevant
- attack.
- In particular, resist confusion may sometimes not be enough to stave
- off confusion caused by a psionic attack, if the attack came from one of the
- more powerful sources (a Psi2 or Psi3 attack.) The same is true of resist
- chaos preventing hallucination: although it does give a higher chance that
- the effect will be resisted, and free action does absolutely prevent
- paralysis. Resistance to mental attacks (whether temporary as with the spell
- of Mental Barrier, or permanent as with an item providing psionic resistance)
- will also help against all forms of side-effects.
- Basically, if the attack is a Psi2 or Psi3 attack, a counter is set up, in
- which "positive" protection (such as RES_PSI, the relevant resistance to
- confusion, chaos or fear, and a passed saving throw) is weighed against the
- "negative" hindrances, such as being already berserk or confused, or failing
- the saving throw, or the attack being Psi3 rather than Psi2. Telepathy
- doubles the effect of the saving throw on this counter, for better or for
- worse, and only if the total is negative does the side-effect apply: so,
- for instance, having both resistance to confusion (+1 protection) and
- psionics (+1 protection) would protect against confusion by a Psi2 attack
- despite failing a saving throw (-1) when telepathic (to make total of -2
- protection), as the total would be zero. However, if the character was
- Berserk as well, the overall total would be -1, and the character would be
- confused by the attack despite both his resistances. If the attack had been
- a Psi3 attack, this also results in a penalty to the chance of resisting,
- so the character would have been confused.
- Confusing, isn't it?
- In any case, higher-rated Psi attacks have more intrinsic chance of causing
- nasty side-effects. Psionic attacks come in several forms:
- Mind Thrust - the player's first attacks spell. A bolt of "Psi1" damage:
- the easiest to resist, and the one which causes the least serious
- side-effects anyway. Only the player has this attack.
- Psionic Blast - a radius-2 ball of "Psi1" damage, dependent on the player's
- or monster's level.
- Psychic Crush - a radius-0 ball of "Psi2" damage. Affects exactly one
- creature within line of sight. It is harder to resist the side-
- effects of this, and it does more damage.
- Psychic Wave - a beam of "Psi2" damage.
- Mind Wrack - a radius-0 ball of "Psi3" damage. It does not do as much
- hit point damage as Psionic Blast or Psychic Crush, but the side-
- -effects are at their worst, and there is a penalty to the player's
- chances of avoiding them.
- Ultrablast - this spell, belonging only to the player, hits all monsters in
- line of sight with a large amount of Psi1 damage.
- *Ultrablast* - this spell, also belonging only to the player, hits all
- monsters in line of sight with a *very* large amount of Psi2 damage.
- Not surprisingly, it nearly runs the player out of mana as well...
- In addition to this, monsters can cast the usual assortment of spells of
- confusion, blinding, slowing, amnesia, hallucination etc, all of which
- depend on the standard saving throw (wisdom- and level-dependent) and on
- having the right resistance available.
- The player also has some interesting new powers. Animals are usually too
- stupid to be hurt by psionic attacks: however, casting the spell of Empathy
- will allow you to empathise with them, and thus affect them. It doesn't help
- you against non-intelligent creatures, or constructed creatures such as
- golems: these are a psionicist's worst enemies, and he will just have to
- use his powers of mind over matter to burn, freeze or crush them, or use
- his meagre weapon skills to hack them to pieces the hard way.
- A note also on the player's spell of Amnesia: a monster hit by this
- attack will "forget" how to use some of its powers. This could be useful,
- in that a dragon might forget how to breathe: or it might be non-useful,
- in that a black reaver might forget how to do some of its more wimpy
- powers but remember how to cast mana storms, and consequently cast them
- more often as that's the one thing it can remember...
- A full description of all psionic powers is available in the
- "psionics.txt" file.